Have you ever been told that your RV Garage cannot be higher than your house?
If you were told this then you were dealing with someone who does not have the experience you need to build your RV Garage.
The height of your garage and consequently your garage door is determined by the characteristics of your property which can only be determined by research at the city by someone who knows what to look for.
The allowed height of your new garage has nothing to do with the height of your house.
Some contractors will tell you that windows are not needed in an RV garage…..
Thermal loss or gain can be mitigated by proper placement. Windows are not expensive and provide free light all day long.
No one likes walking into a pitch black space unless you are a bat! Just ask anyone who has built an RV garage without windows, they will tell you it was a big mistake.
How tall can my garage door be?
When building an RV Garage the height of the garage door is everything! Height increases the value of your investment tremendously!
If an RV Garage were to be built with an incorrect roof design the owner would have lost anywhere from 12″ to 36″ in garage door height!
How important is it to find a contractor with the right type of experience for the job?
Today’s large format garages are a hybrid building project and a large investment. To ensure that you get the maximum value for your dollars, make sure to hire a contractor with the experience and knowledge to make your garage a winner.
It all starts with design. There are special design elements needed to create a successful garage project and avoid rookie mistakes. Would you hire a plumber to do electrical wiring? Of course not, so why would you hire a home-builder to build you garage?
Find out how many large format garages a contractor has completed and ask for references you can call along with a list of completed projects you can drive by to view. Then you need to follow-through and call the references, and drive around and view as many garages as possible.
You want to find a contractor who has built a minimum of 30 garages over a span of 8-10 years to be sure they have enough experience to get the job done right the first time.
Having a knowledgeable Contractor with the right experience is everything!